Guidance at Every Stage


The PLAN program is designed by our fashion startup consultancy to guide you through the essential steps of bringing a product to market. Work hand in hand with industry experts to develop a sound apparel business strategy, brand, and product plan. We harness decades of industry experience to find the most time and cost-effective strategies to bring your vision to life.

Have an existing business that you want to revitalize? Learn more about our EVOLVE program below.

Program Outline

PREPARE Phase - Brand Development, Consumer Research, Product Research and Finance

CREATE Phase - Product Development and Design Process

MANUFACTURE Phase - Sourcing Materials and Costing

MARKET Phase – Sales Channel Planning and Go-to-Market Strategy


Ten one-hour calls over 10-12 weeks, allowing you to pace yourself through the action steps. Each call will recap accomplishments and challenges and introduce new topics, and tools. Unlimited email support between calls.


You will leave each call with clear direction on actions needed to complete each phase of the process. You will also have access to our PLAN Tool Kit. This tool kit is intended to give you all the information, resources, and templates you need to successfully launch.


You will leave the PLAN program with a robust business plan and a clear vision for launching your brand.

We can’t wait to celebrate with you as you fulfill your first order!


  • The Company

    Range Apex offers premium quality utility pants designed specifically for wind turbine technicians, manufactured with precision to ensure maximum functionality and safety on the job.

  • The Situation

    Founder, Chris, approached Guided Makers with his desire to make samples of his product concept. Chris wanted to sample his concept with a view to getting it into production. Without knowing or understanding the apparel industry, Chris inquired with a local sewing organization, Common Threads of Maine, to learn to sew to make a sample.

    The organization quickly referred Chris to Guided Makers knowing we could guide Chris through the process to launch product successfully and most of all, not need to learn how to sew!

    After conversations regarding his brand vision with Rachel, founder of Guided Makers, Chris realized, that to be ready to launch a brand successfully, some more planning may need to happen.

  • The Process

    Chris launched into Guided Makers PLAN program. Working with Rachel, Carrie and Katie (industry veterans), the team worked with Chris to define his brand, mission, target consumers, product and selling strategies. Through discussion, a critical part of his brand was to be Made in USA. By defining these elements early, we can better tailor strategies for success. A clear financial plan was also mapped out for Chris to fully understand his investment needs for year one and beyond.

  • The Results

    Range Apex was able to launch into product development and sourcing with confidence.

    Guided Makers used the newly built strategic business plan document to drive sourcing conversations, consider target pricing needs, together with the design and development process leveraging all market and product research and determined performance fabric needs. Ultimately developing a Men’s utility that is unique to the workwear market.

    Product will launch Spring 2025 aligning with the identified go-to-market strategy defined in business planning.

Success Stories