Ready to Approach a Factory? Ask These Questions First

You’re eager to get your clothing brand off the ground and you’re pretty sure the next step is to find a manufacturer. If you haven’t worked with a factory before it can be hard to know what to expect. Below are questions to think through before you start reaching out. The relationship you build with your factories will be essential to your success. Go into these first conversations confident about your brand’s needs. Having the right information prepared beforehand will also allow the factory to accurately assess if it’s a good fit.

Why Am I Reaching Out to This Factory?

This may be an obvious question, but it’s also the most important. Why am I choosing this factory? ‘A friend had items produced here’ or ‘It’s the first one that appeared in my search’ will not be enough. First, make a list of all the ideal traits you’re looking for and rank them accordingly. Then think about your product, what equipment or technical knowledge you want your manufacturer to have, and your price point. As an example, a brand might be looking to only produce in the U.S. and needs expertise in sewing delicate fabrics and wants to produce each item for x amount. With these considerations as a guide, you’ll be able to evaluate manufacturers more easily. You may not find a factory that checks all the boxes, but you can start to determine what’s most important to your brand.

What Materials am I Going to Use?

Do you know what materials you are planning to use? Identifying and sourcing the right materials is a crucial step in the apparel manufacturing process. You need to have a reliable supply chain for the fabrics, trims, and other materials you plan to use in your clothing. Being well-prepared in this regard can help prevent delays and ensure the consistency and quality of your products.

Have I Made Samples?

Quality is paramount in the apparel industry. Before approaching a factory, you should establish clear quality standards and create samples of your designs. Sampling allows you to test and refine your products, ensuring they meet your expectations and customer demands. Before you begin production, you will need to prepare tech packs that will communicate exactly how to construct your garment. Don’t know what a tech pack is? Read our earlier blog here.

How Much Do I Want to Spend?

Understanding your production needs and budget constraints is essential. Factories will want to know the volume of products you plan to produce and your financial capabilities. This information will help both you and the factory determine whether it's a suitable partnership.

Do I Have a Communication Strategy?

Effective communication is key to any successful business relationship. Have a clear plan for how you'll communicate with the factory, including language preferences, time zones, and preferred communication tools. Communicate your expectations for lead times, quality, and any other crucial aspects of production.

What is My Timeline?

Set realistic timelines and deadlines for your manufacturing process. Factories need to know your expected delivery dates, so they can plan their production schedules accordingly.

At Guided Makers, we specialize in assisting start-up apparel businesses like yours through the entire process, from design conception to factory collaboration. Our expertise can help streamline your journey, making it as efficient and profitable as possible. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for personalized guidance and support. Your success is our priority, and we're here to help you every step of the way!


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