Stuffed Product Labeling Laws
Example of the Uniform Law Label
Any stuffed items: think bedding, throw pillows, stuffed animals etc. that are sold in the United States need specific Uniform Law Labelling to be sold in 15 states across the country. This labeling is not necessary for importing the product but is for selling your product in the 15 states listed below.
Bedding regulation is handled at the State level, rather than the Federal level. This means that products will have to follow the individual state regulations which can be found on the individual State websites. States of Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, California, New York, Virginia, Washington DC & West Virginia requires additional regulatory labelling (Uniform Law Label) for filled bedding items and upholstered furniture.
This labelling is in addition to the usual regulatory labelling of fiber content, country of origin, RN#, CPSC tracking label & care instructions for children textile products. Stuffed products require this additional bedding Uniform Law Label, example shown below.
Legal Layout for Uniform Law Label
Reach out to Guided Makers for help and guidance in navigating the complex world of legal labeling and testing requirements.