Client Spotlight - Kovi + Kate

Client spotlights is a blog series for Guided Makers. Each post will focus on a company who we worked with to develop their apparel into a production ready product. It is a way for future clients to learn a little about the kinds of projects we have worked on, as well as a way for us continue to support brands as they continue on their journey! This week we have the pleasure of introducing, Kovi + Kate!

Kovi + Kate is one of the newest brands to launch from Guided Makers! Read more about her wonderful story below…

Read about the start of this incredible brand, right from the website: “Founder, Fashion Designer and former NICU mother, Kate, had preterm premature rupture of membranes at 29 weeks gestation for unknown reasons in the fall of 2018. After being put on bedrest at the hospital for nearly two weeks, Kate, delivered a baby girl, Kovi, at 31 weeks and 3 days. From there, Kovi spent the next 7 weeks in the NICU, where mama, Kate, visited every single day.”

We see you. Wrap yourself up in the softest fabric while you courageously pick yourself up. This stylish and functional cardigan will become your go-to favorite in and out of the NICU walls. Designed with the NICU mother in mind, this cardigan will provide kangaroo care with ease. This long sleeve cardigan provides a placket loop and button closures adorned at your shoulders that will help keep tubing in place while enjoying all that skin-to-skin with your brave new warrior baby. Let us wrap you up in comfort, style and function. Remember, you're not alone, mama.

Continue reading about the story behind the brand, “During the weeks of Kovi's stay in the NICU, Kate realized something: the babies are in the best hands with some of the most amazing NICU nurses and staff, but what about the mothers? Kate sought out a way to give back to the NICU. Kate also noticed that she wore the same outfit day in and day out to hold Kovi comfortably during kangaroo care and breastfeeding with all of Kovi's IV, CPAP and feeding tubes. With her design background and NICU experience, Kate designed a functional yet stylish cardigan specifically for NICU mothers.”

Kovi and Kate was born.


Stuffed Product Labeling Laws


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