The Apparel Sample Process


How many samples will I need to make? What do you mean my sample won’t be 100% the 1st time around? These are just a couple of the questions we frequently receive when we start the sampling process. Below is a brief overview of how the process works.

What makes a sample successful?

Vetting out your concept through the sample process is one of the most important steps in apparel development.  The sample process will confirm that the 5 key components of your product are achieving your product goals based on your competitive review and market research. 

5 key components for a successful sample review are:

Throughout the sample process we work with you to review each of these components and understand how are the are working together. 

How many samples will I need?

Usually, more than one development sample will be required for each style being developed.

This may be due to a number of reasons. Including evolution of style details, initial fabrics are not working for the design (too heavy or light), or the pattern doesn’t fully support the functional needs of the garment.

Any decisions made during the 1st sample review (usually in a ‘fit’ session) will be incorporated into the 2nd sample, to get you closer to ‘approval’.

When significant revisions are requested (change of fabric (woven to knit) or construction/fit revision (rigid to elastic waist)), you may find yourself re-starting the process with a 1st sample again.   This can be frustrating so taking time with research and flushing out design details prior to getting started is what we advise and guide you on.

Your product will be ready to manufacture when the final sample is ‘approved’. i.e. when the 5 key components work well together.

Being prepared, asking the right questions, doing the research will all help expedite the process and aid in the reduction of samples needed.

Here at Guided Makers our goal is to guide you through the sample process making each sample productive and bringing you one step closer to achieving your final product goals.  We work with local sample makers as well as working with selected vendors to support you fully. For more information and to schedule a free introductory call, please fill out the form on our contact page.


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