What is ‘FIT’?
The definition of FIT from Webster’s Dictionary:
“to conform correctly to the shape or size of”
Fit is key component for every apparel product. In order to achieve the goal of a great fit there are 4 key components to take into consideration when developing your fit.
These components include:
Body Shape
Aesthetics/Design Details
Function/End Use
Body shape greatly affects the shape of your pattern. The pattern shape with the fabric you choose will affect how a garment drapes and moves with the body.
The design details can be purely aesthetic but can also be used to improve the fit and function of your garment.
We at Guided Makers will guide you through the process of bringing these key components together for a quality, well fitting garment for your customer. We can work in person or remotely with the use of models, forms and technology.
Remote fitting with a client
If you’re ready to jump into a project or want to refine and develop your fit standards, reach out via our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you soon!